Thursday, September 8, 2011

In Paris, where pastry is all around

Never been to Paris, but always Paris "finds me" in one or another way- round 2.
Lover both of food photografy ( yet not capable of making extravagant shots), and professional pastry (c.c eating sweets of any kind),
I couldn't pass by a marvellous idea like
"Patisserie" reminders around  the City of  Light ( or maybe City of candy). I am glad I saw Fantasy Pallete in between the images.Susan Hochbaum is a rather creative designer, who's book is about to be published.
Great, sweet idea. We will be waiting.
ps. The rasberry macaron photo is taken from unefoisparmoi blog.


  1. Πολύ καλησπέρα σας! Βλέπω τις λέξεις "Paris" και "patisserie" και δε μπορώ παρά να σας ποστάρω αυτό:
    Είναι blog, ο τύπος γυρνάει στο Παρίσι και δοκιμάζει συνεχώς καλούδια σαν της φωτογραφίας από πάνω. Enjoy! ;D

  2. Ευχαριστούμε δεσποινίς μου! Θα τον τσεκάρω τον κυριούλη, που μεταξύ μας, είναι και ο ίδιος sugar.
