Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nobu. That simple.

My taste spectrum has expanded enough through the years. When it comes to f-o-o-d, like when it comes to love, I taste- try everything. From this huge list of savor, few things are excluded- sushi was one, until some years before. But, as it seemed, it was the absolute outsider that won the battle. Thanks to Nobu Matsuhisa. 

Nobu’s restaurants are that famous worldwide, as the sushi itself. Quality materials,  exquisite service, great atmosphere, a place to be. Pure and simple. So, with every chance, I am there. And this is the ultimate dessert, mochi. At Matsuhisa Athens. That simple.

 ps. The chef patissier is called Marinos and something tells me that we will be listening at his name a lot in the short future.

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