Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The week before X-mas

Absent from blogging for more than two months, away from cooking for so long.
I have left aside two of my favorite leisure activities because of ...
different kinds of trouble. 

No ganas de Navidad.  
One week before Christmas we only hear bad news. And bad news, is actuallly news.
People lose their jobs, get fired, close down forever their small, family buisiness, can't afford to pay the rent, leave their appartments to move back at their parents house, are on strike for more than three months, don't have any money to buy food, are not being able to feed their own children. 

Not at X-mas mood at all.
Can't help but wonder, is there any hope?
I hear about restaurants that offer their food in common meals and messes. 
I feel lucky and grateful that I can help.
I want to sing my favorite Christmas song, just like when I was a child, praying for the kids to enjoy their new toys. 
Only now, I will pray for people's food and survival with dignity.